Sunday, October 14, 2012

The only time I have ever been kicked out of a store

In high school, my group of friends had a tradition. After our finals every semester, we would go out and do something. It didn't really matter what so long as we were together. It was our way of making sure that we saw each other before we all went our separate ways on breaks.

The first instance of this took place my freshman year. Seeing as we were stuck in Racine, our options were pretty limited. Obviously, we chose to go to the mall.

We did some basic shopping. Salespeople followed us around the store because they thought we were skipping school and we were going to shoplift. I thought this was really funny.

When we got to JCPenney, we were bored. Deciding to express our teenage independence in the only way we knew how (by being greatly immature), we took turns making running leaps onto the perfectly made, rock hard, sample beds. It was a great time.

My best friend had gotten separated from us, and she was hiding behind racks trying to sneak up to us to scare me. What she didn't know was that her hiding had actually drawn the attention of the harshest saleswoman in the store.

When she finally caught up to us, we urged her to take her turn ruining that perfect bed. She eagerly walked as far back as she could before running forward and taking a fantastic soaring leap on the bed. She landed heavily, bunching covers up as she fall. Just as she landed, with brilliant timing, the saleslady stepped around the corner.

I swear my friends melted into the racks. One even had the audacity to say that she wasn't there with us. She continued that ruse until she was out of the store, refusing to even speak to us.

It never occurred to me to try to get away, so in the end it was my best friend and I taking the brunt of the woman's anger. I don't remember what she said, except, "Get out or I am calling security."

I remember the rush of it. I had always been the "good kid" and it was exhilarating to get in trouble while having such fun. I remember feeling wild. Like I was some hero in a story.

For a fourteen year old stuck in Racine, it really meant something.

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